Bibliography Detail
A Idade Média e o Bestiário
Medievalista, 2006; Series: Number 2
The Middle Ages and the Bestiary (Presentation at the III Open Seminar 2006, organized by the Institute of Medieval Studies of the New University of Lisbon (May 25, 2006)). The Bestiary or Book of Beasts is a unique work in the context of Middle Ages literature. Firstly, because it describes various animal species, whether they exist or not. Secondly, by subordinating this description to a symbolic and allegorical interpretation. Thirdly, by integrating illuminations that intersect with the written text, establishing a permanent dialogue with it. Finally, because it is constituted as a literary work that was limited to the medieval period that saw him born and die. All these aspects are mutually related, as we will demonstrate. - [Author]
Language: Portuguese
DOI: 10.4000/medievalista.931
Last update March 6, 2023