Bibliography Detail
La faune exotique dans le Liber de natura rerum de Thomas de Cantimpré. Quels nouveaux apports?
Louvain-la-Neuve: CRAHAM - Centre Michel de Boüard - Centre de recherches archéologiques et historiques anciennes et médiévales, 2022; Series: Bilan et perspectives des études sur les encyclopédies médiévales : Orient-Occident, le ciel, l’homme, le verbe, l’animal (Textes, Études, Congrès (33)
Speculum Arabicum Intersecting Perspectives on Medieval Encyclopaedism. Proceedings of the International Conference at Louvain-la-Neuve and Cambron-Casteau, 22-24 May 2017.
In the Middle Ages, the knowledge of exotic foreign fauna (African and Indian) owes much to the transmission of ancient authors (Aristotle, Pliny, Solin) and the first Christian authors (Physiologus, Isidore of Seville, Fathers of the Church). Yet we observe, especially in the 13th century, the appearance of new knowledge in encyclopedias and other related natural history texts. This new knowledge owes little to ancient authorities and is the result of new contributions, linked to direct observation (animals in menageries) or to vernacular knowledge (travellers, merchants, hunters, fishermen, sailors, etc.). This is particularly the case for the little-known animals of northern Europe, highlighting an exoticism from the cold, in the context of increased exchanges with the Scandinavian world. The presentation will attempt to highlight these contributions, particularly in the introduction of new species or new zoonyms in the inventory of the living world, but also in the additional information provided on ancient knowledge. Our investigation will focus mainly on Thomas of Cantimpré and Albert the Great, with additions from Bartholomaeus Anglicus, Vincent of Beauvais and Alexander Neckam. We will try to highlight the fundamental contribution of Thomas de Cantimpré in this enrichment of the medieval exotic animal world, by comparing it with the approach of his contemporaries. - [Abstract]
Language: French
HAL: hal-02139436
Last update January 16, 2024