Bibliography Detail
Décrire et illustrer : les représentations iconographiques des animaux aquatiques dans les manuscrits latins du Liber de natura rerum de Thomas de Cantimpré
RursuSpicae, 2022; Series: Volume 4
Describing and Illustrating: Iconographic Representations of Aquatic Animals in Latin Manuscripts of the Liber de natura rerum by Thomas of Cantimpré
We know of 222 manuscripts of Thomas of Cantimpré's Liber de natura rerum, and about fifteen of them are illustrated. However, as far as books VI and VII devoted to sea monsters and fish are concerned, this number drops to ten. Among these, eight have very close illustrations which prove the existence of a common model. We focus on what motivated the initial illustrator's choices: the influence of bestiaries, support on reality or the content of the text (anatomical description, behavior, interactions). Then we examine how the various manuscripts appropriate and adapt the initial model and according to which criteria. Finally, we give a closer look at some particular cases that raise questions. - [Abstract]Language: French
DOI: 10.4000/rursuspicae.2523
Last update March 3, 2023