Bibliography Detail
Medieval Animals On The Move: Between Body And Mind
Springer Nature (Palgrave Macmillan), 2021
The volume offers a review of Medieval and Early Modern Age cultural attitudes toward animals, reflecting diversity in social life. It is aimed, not only at researchers and students exploring the history of animals, but also at a broader readership interested in how our attitudes toward the animal world have evolved over centuries in a variety of cultural contexts. The chapters included contribute to integrating three basic branches in medieval studies: archaeology, history (comprising both documentary and literary sources), as well as iconography. These differing sources have traditionally been studied using different paradigms. The integrated approach in this book is meant to strengthen awareness of the complex interplay between the histories of nature and culture in scholarship. In addition to being multi-disciplinary, the volume is emphatically international, with authors representing research in Austria, China, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Serbia, Sweden, and Switzerland. - [Editors] >/p>
Language: English
ISBN: 978-3-030-63888-7; DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-63888-7
Last update December 18, 2022