Bibliography Detail
Il Physiologus nel Liber de natura rerum di Tommaso di Cantimpré
RursuSpicae, 2019; Series: Volume 2
The Physiologus in Thomas of Cantimpré's Liber de Natura Rerum
In the Prologus to his Liber de natura rerum (1225 ca.-1260 ca.), the Dominican Thomas of Cantimpré lists the 15 sources he used most during the writing of the encyclopedia. In the penultimate place on this list, he puts the Physiologus and describes it as an auctoritas “quite succinct and useful on several occasions”. Starting from this indication, the present article investigates therefore two aspects of this relationship. First, how and how much the Alexandrian treatise is actually used in the Dominican encyclopedia. Second, what version of this didactic work was on Thomas’ desk during the drafting of the Liber. - [Abstract]
Language: Italian
Last update October 16, 2022