Bibliography Detail
El basilisco, del bestiario al libro de caballerías castellano. El caso del Palmerín de Olivia (Salamanca, Juan de Porras, 1511)
RursuSpicae, 2019; Series: Volume 2
The Basilisk, from the Bestiary to the Spanish Book of Chivalries. The Case of Palmerín de Olivia (Salamanca, Juan de Porras, 1511)
The remarkable influence of the Physiologus during Middle Age and during subsequent centuries has made this work a pillar of the conception of monsters. The systematization of traditional monsters and animals, considered virtuous or sinful, according to their appearance and biological habits has served as a discursive and iconographic basis for the resemantization of the later zoological and teratological world. In this article, we analyze the image of the basilisk in the Palmerín de Olivia (Salamanca, Juan de Porras, 1511) in the light of the traditional bestiary. - [Abstract]
Language: Spanish
2557-8839; DOI: 10.4000/rursuspicae.1188
Last update March 14, 2022