Bibliography Detail
Barthélemy l’Anglais connaît-il le Physiologus ? État des lieux
RursuSpicae: Transmission des textes et savoirs de l’Antiquité à la fin du Moyen Âge, 2019; Series: 2 (Le Physiologus. Manuscrits anciens et tradition médiévale)
Did Bartholomew the Englishman know the Physiologus? A Survey
This article aims to outline the Physiologus's presence in the De proprietatibus rerum (DPR), the encyclopaedia composed by the Franciscan Bartholomew the Englishman around 1230-48 between Paris and Magdeburg. After a short presentation of the DPR and of some methodological problems concerning the study of its manuscript tradition, we offer a provisional critical edition of all the quotations related to the Physiologus. On this basis, we develop some reflections to identify their source, analysing the Physiologus’s versions known at the time and some other works, which may have been used as an intermediary between the original text and the DPR. - [abstract]
Language: French/Englash
2557-8839; DOI: 10.4000/rursuspicae.873
Last update February 5, 2024