Bibliography Detail
Le Bestiaire d'amour in Lombardy
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007; Series: Florilegium Volume 24, Number 1
In the early fourteenth century, a time when enthusiasm for French epics, lyricpoetry, and romance was at its peak in Italy, Richard's bestiary was “translated” (in thegeographical sense) to Lombardy. The manuscript to be examined here is Pierpont Morgan Library, MS M.459.The manuscript, on vellum, was written and illuminated in northern Italy in the first half of the fourteenth century. The 32 folios contain 115 miniatures and 3 historiated initials. ... “The scribe” took it upon himself to make available on hisside of the Alps a work that had proved popular on the other. To this end he used theprerogatives that any scribe might exercise over “his” manuscript — and more, as will be seen! - [Author]
Language: English
0709-5201; DOI: 10.3138/flor.24.004
Last update May 12, 2023