Bibliography Detail
Fiore di virtù
Venice: Matteo Capcasa, 1493
Alternate title: Questa sie una utilissima operetta acadauno fidel christiano chiamata Fio de virtu`
A popular introduction to medieval morality, the Flower of Virtue explored humanity’s virtues and vices by means of parallels within the animal kingdom. Full of lore derived from bestiaries, biblical stories, and classical literature, the book provided moral instruction and amusement for young Italian readers of both sexes. Much of the book’s popularity derived from its engaging woodcuts of characteristic animal behaviors, designed by the anonymous “Pico Master,” the leading Venetian book illuminator and woodcut illustrator. - [Princeton University Library catalog].
Probably based on a manuscript copy of Fior de virtu` by Guidotto da Bologna (Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli, XII.E.11).
Language: Italian
PrincetonUniversityLibrary: exi2017-0004N
Last update April 22, 2024