Sources : Giraffe
Pliny the Elder [1st century CE] (Natural History, Book 8, 1-13): The Ethiopians give the name nabun to a beast that has the neck of a horse, feet and legs like an ox, and the head of a camel. It is a reddish color and has white spots, so it is also called cameleopard. It was first seen in Rome in the Circus put on by Caesar.
Gaius Julius Solinus [3rd century CE] (De mirabilibus mundi / Polyhistor, Chapter 30.19): The areas held by the Aethiopians are full of wild beasts, one of which they call the nabun. We call it the giraffe. It has a neck like a horse, feet like cattle’s and a head like a camel. It shines with a reddish color, and is sprinkled on top with white spots. - [Arwen Apps translation, 2011]
Isidore of Seville [7th century CE] (Etymologies, Book 12, 2:19): The giraffe [camelopardus)]is so called because while it is speckled with white spots like the pard [pardus], it has a neck like a horse, ox-like feet, and a head like a camel [camelus]. Ethiopia produces this animal. - [Barney, Lewis, et. al. translation]
Thomas of Cantimpré [circa 1200-1272 CE] (Liber de natura rerum, Quadrupeds 4.6, 4.17, 4.84): [Thomas has three accounts of the giraffe, under the names anabulla,
Bartholomaeus Anglicus [13th century CE] (Liber de proprietatibus rerum, Book18.20): Cameleoperdus is called Cameleoperdalis also, and is a beast of Aethiopia, as Isidore sayth, libro. 12. and Plinius libro. 8. cap. 30. And hath the head of a camell, and the necke of a horse, and legges and feet of a Bull, and specks of the Perde, and is a beast befprong with white speckes distinguished with bright colour and cléere, and is called Cameleoperdalis, for he hath the head of a Camell, and speckes of the Perde. And Plinius sayth, that this beast is more worth in sight then in fiercenesse, and is so milde & soft, that he had almost the name of a sheepe. As he sayth, this beast was clene to meat by Moses lawe, but not to sacrifice, for he is clove footed as a Bul, and cheweth his cudde as a Camell, and therefor it was lawfull to eate thereof, as it is written Deut. 14. &c [Deuteronomy 14]. - [Batman]