Sources : Turtledove
Aelianus [170-230 CE] (On the Characteristics of Animals, Book 10, 33): I have stated earlier on that the turtle-dove is continent and does not, from a desire for some strange and alien bed, consort with any other mate than the one it originally joined. - [Scholfield translation]
Saint Ambrose [4th century CE] (Hexameron, Book 5, 19.62): It is related that the turtle dove, when widowed by the loss of her consort, was 'utterly weary of the bridal-bed' and even of the world itself, for the reason that 'her first love, turning traitor, cheated her by death.' He was regarded as unfaithful from the point of view of perpetuity and as dour in respect to beauty in that he had created more pain as a result of his death than sweetness from his love. Therefore, she renounces any other marriage alliance and does not break the laws of chastity or her pledges to her beloved, reserving for him alone her love, for him alone cherishing the name of wife. - [Savage translation, 1961]
Augustine [5th century CE] (City of God, Book 16, chapter 24): Turtledoves seclude themselves from the busy conversation of men.
Isidore of Seville [7th century CE] (Etymologies, Book 12, 7:60): The turtle dove [turtur] is named from its call; it is a bashful bird, always dwelling in mountain heights and desert wildernesses. It flees human homes and interaction, and dwells in forests. - [Barney, Lewis, et. al. translation]
Thomas of Cantimpré [circa 1200-1272 CE] (Liber de natura rerum, Birds 5.113): A turtledove is a bird, as Isidore says, named by the sound of its voice. Aristotle says it has a wonderful chastity. They love their companions and keep faith with them so much, that when its mate is dead or taken by a hawk, it does not join itself to another, but walks alone and sits on the dry branches of trees, weeping and sad. On this the great Basil says: Let the women hear how for birds the unreasonable restraint of widowhood is preferred to frequent marriages. The turtledove has a sigh for a song. It is hostile to no bird, but is very patient against the attacks of all birds. it builds a nest out of very few branches, in which it rests and nurtures its eggs. As Ambrose says, the turtledove lays leaves on top of its nest, lest an animal should attack its chicks, for the good smell of the leaves drives the animals away. For it knows that dangerous animals are wont to flee from such leaves. The turtledove lives on fruits, and avoids the smell of sulfur. The Experimentator says that turtledoves lie in feathers all winter in hollow trees. It lives in the most secure and pleasant places and builds a nest among the branches of a tree. The turtledove lays eggs twice in the spring and three times in the summer, but this when one pair of eggs has been spoiled or lost by accident. Among other birds, the turtledove alone feeds its young at night. Its chicks, like the chicks of a dove, are twice as warm and moist, which is evidenced by their heaviness at the time of flight, but when they begin to fly, they lose their heaviness and their flesh becomes lighter and more acceptable for digestion (for the movement consumes too much moisture and thereby heaviness). Its blood is the proper remedy for the eyes. The turtledove hides in winter, and comes out in spring. Many of them seek warm lands in winter and remain there for a long time, as Aristotle says, if they have a place suitable for resting and opposite to the sun. They cannot fly well in the south wind, because the wind itself is wet and heavy. The turtledove also sometimes becomes naturally so weak that it can be caught by hand. They also cry sometimes when they fly, and this because of the fatigue of flying. Doves and turtledoves lay three eggs, but never bring up more than two. The turtledove, as Isidore says, flees from the shelters of men and dwells in the woods. - [Badke translation/paraphrase]
Guillaume le Clerc [ca. 1210 CE] (Bestiaire, Chapter 32): Now we shall tell you of another bird / Which is altogether courtly and fair, / And is very loving and beloved. / It mostly dwells in leafy woods. / It is the turtle dove of which we speak / Which loves its mate so dearly. / The female with the male keeps company, / Always are they two and two together / Whether on mountain or in desert; / And if by chance the female / Loses her companion / Then never at any time or hour / Does she cease lamenting him. / Never o’er green field or leafy tree, / Although she may, will she settle. / Always will she await her mate, / To know if he will return. / To another will she not join / For aught that may happen, / So much to him she wishes to keep loyal. / As this bird stays chaste / And keeps all her life / Loyal to her mate, / I am astonished at a man or woman / Who promises to God to keep chaste / And then later breaks his vow. / Many wicked folk there are / Who love not with a constant love / As does the turtle-dove / Which renews not her affection / To other than her first love. / Never will she let him out of mind / And if he dies, has no care for other. / There are not many people / Of such nature in this world, / For they will not keep to one / Husband or wife for their mate. / When one has just buried the other, / Before he has eaten two meals / He wants to have another in his arms. / The turtle-dove does not do thus. / Always she looks for her love, / Always she waits for his return, / And for him to keep company with her. / The turtle-dove which so looks out, - [Druce translation]
Bartholomaeus Anglicus [13th century CE] (Liber de proprietatibus rerum, Book12.34): The Turtle hath that name of the voice, and is a simple Birde, as the Culvour. But is chast, farre unlyke the Culvour. The Turtle is a chast Birde, and hath that name of conditions. For he followeth chastity, and if he léeseth his make, he seekth not companye of any other, but goeth alone, and hath minde of the fellowship yt is lost: and groneth alwaye, and loveth and chooseth solitarye place, and flyeth much company of men: Neverthelesse he commeth downe into Orchards & gardens, and feelds of men, and there eateth, wherby he liveth. And when he hath meate, hée passeth againe to high hills, and to privie places of woods. Hée commeth in springing time and warneth of novelty of time with groning voyce. And in winter he léeseth his fethers, and then hée hideth him in hollowe stockes. And against Summer in springing time when his fethers spring againe, hée commeth out of his hoale, in the which hée was hid, and séeketh covenable place, and stéede for to bréede in. And among thick boughes and trées, of harde stickes and knottie shée maketh her neast, and layeth Egges therein and sitteth abroode, and hath Birdes, and féedeth and nourisheth them, as Aristotle sayth. The Turtle layeth Egges twice in Springing time, and not the thirde time, but if the first Egges bée corrupt. And Turtles laye and bréede fiftéene yeare, and lyght not uppon stinking things, neyther uppon carrion, because of meate: for she eateth not carrion, but for meate for her birdes, she seeketh out cleane grains, and gathereth them in cleane places, and liveth thereby. When other Birds sing, she groneth, and his Birdes bee hot and moist, as Culvour Birdes, as Constantine sayth: and that witnesseth heavinesse of flight. But when he beginneth to flie, his flesh is made more hot and lyght, and more better to defie. Also the bloud of her right wing is medicinable, as the bloud of a Swallowe, and of a Culvour or Dove. - [Batman]