Sources : Manticore
Aristotle [ca. 350 BCE] (De animalibus Book 2, chapter 3.10): Indian animal called martichora, which had three rows of teeth in each jaw; it is as large and as rough as a lion, and has similar feet, but its ears and face are like those of a man; its eye is grey, and its body red; it has a tail like a land scorpion, in which there is a sting; it darts forth the spines with which it is covered instead of hair, and it utters a noise resembling the united sound of a pipe and a trumpet; it is not less swift of foot than a stag, and is wild, and devours men. - [Cresswell translation, 1887]
Pliny the Elder [1st century CE] (Natural History, Book 8, 30; 8, 45): [Book 8, 30] Ctesias writes that in the same country is born the creature that he calls the mantichora which has a triple row of teeth meeting like the teeth of a comb, the face and ears of a human being, grey eyes, a blood-red color, a lion's body, inflicting stings with its tail in the manner of a scorpion, with a voice like the sound of a pan-pipe blended with a trumpet, of great speed, with a special appetite for human flesh. [Book 8, 45] Juba states that in Ethiopia the mantichora also mimics human speech. - [Rackham translation]
Aelianus [170-230 CE] (On the Characteristics of Animals, Book 4, chapter 21): There is in India a wild beast, powerful, daring, as big as the largest lion, of a red color like cinnabar, shaggy like a dog, and in the language of India it is called Martichoras. Its face however is not that of a wild beast but of a man, and it has three rows of teeth set in its upper jaw and three in the lower; these are exceedingly sharp and larger than the fangs of a hound. Its ears also resemble a man's, except that they are larger and shaggy; its eyes are blue-grey and they too are like a man's, but its feet and claws, you must know, are those of a lion. To the end of its tail is attached the sting of a scorpion, and this might be over a cubit in length; and the tail has stings at intervals on either side. But the tip of the tail gives a fatal sting to anyone who encounters it, and death is immediate. ... And according to the same writer the Martichoras for choice devours human beings; indeed it will slaughter a great number; and it lies in wait not for a single man but would set upon two or even three men, and alone overcomes even that number. - [Scholfield translation]
Gaius Julius Solinus [3rd century CE] (De mirabilibus mundi / Polyhistor, Chapter 52.37-38): [Chapter 52.37] Amongst these [people of India] the manticore also is born. It has three ranks of teeth, joined in alternate lots. It has the face of a man, grey eyes, and is the color of blood. It has the body of a lion, and a tail sharpened like the sting of a scorpion. Its voice is so sibilant that it imitates the songs of pipes and the shouting of trumpets. [Chapter 52.38] It avidly desires human flesh. It is so active on its feet, and has such power in its leap, that neither the most extensive spaces nor the widest obstructions can check it. - [Arwen Apps translation, 2011]
Thomas of Cantimpré[circa 1230-1245 CE] (Liber de natura rerum, Quadrupeds 4.71, 4.72): [Thomas describes the manticore under the names mauricomorion and manticora.] [Quadrupeds 4.71] Mauricomorion is a beast of the East, as Aristotle says, whose size is like the size of a lion. The animal is very fierce and red in color. It has three rows of teeth. Its feet are like the feet of a lion, and its hair is like the hair of a lion, but its face and eyes and ears are like those of a man, and its eyes are of a brown color. Its tail is like the tail of a scorpion, and its tail is a little red. The sounds from its mouth are like hearing a man speaking, and its voice like the voice of a pipe. It runs swiftly like a deer and hunts men, and devours them. [Quadrupeds 4.72] The manticora is a truly monstrous animal, just as Solinus and Pliny write. It has a face just like a human, with grey eyes, the color of blood and the body of a lion. The tail strikes with the sting of a scorpion, and with a voice hissing such that it imitates shepard's pipes and trumpets and singers. It most greedily desires human flesh. It is as swift in its course as a bird in flight. And the beast has a triple row of teeth. - [Badke translation/paraphrase]
Bartholomaeus Anglicus [13th century CE] (Liber de proprietatibus rerum, Book18.1; 18.70): [Book 18.1] But it is sayd, that in Inde is a beast wonderfully shapen, and is lyke to the Beare in body & in the haire, and to a man in face, and hath a right red head, and a full great mouth and an horrible, and in either jawe thrée rowes of téeth distinguished asunder. The utter limmes thereof, be as it were the utter syins of a Lyon, and his tayle is lyke to a with scorpion with a sting, and smiteth with hard bristle prickes as a wilde Swine, and hath an horrible voyce, as the voies of a trumpe, and he runneth full swiftly and eateth men; & among all beasts of the earth, is none found more cruell nor more wonderfully shapen, as Avicen[na] saith, and this beast is called Baricus in Greeke, as he saith. Also libro. 8. cap. 22. Plinius saith, that Helia writeth and fareth, that among the Medes is a beast, that is most wicked & evill, which he calleth Mantichora, and hath three rowes of teeth set a rowe, and togethers in a combe wise, and is lyke to a man in eares and in face and hath [?] and red colour like to a Lion, with a Scorpions tayle, and stingeth with bristle prickes, and hath a voyce, lyke to the voyce of a man. And if a man singeth to a pipe and to a trumpe, it seemeth that this beasts voyce accordeth with the trumpe and tune melodie. And so this is the same beast, that Avicen[na] and Plinius speake of. [Book 18.70] [The description of the manticore is in the wolf chapter, where it is called a wolf of India.] Aristotle. saith, that in Indie is a Wolfe that hath thrée rowes of téeth above, and hath féete like a Lyon, and face as a man, and tayle as a Scorpion, and his voyce is as it wer a mans voyce, and dreadfull, as a trumpe: and the beast is swifte as an Harte, and is right fierce and cruell, and eateth men. - [Batman]