Sources : Woodworm
Pliny the Elder [1st century CE] (Natural History, Book 11, 1; 11, 34): [Book 11, 1] What teeth she [nature] attached to the wood-borer [teredini] for boring through timber, with the accompanying sound as evidence, and made its chief nutriment to consist of wood! [Book 11, 34] out a buzz bore numerous holes in hearths and walls in the night. - [Rackham translation]
Isidore of Seville [7th century CE] (Etymologies, Book 12, 5:10; 19, 19.4): [Book 12, 5.10] The Greeks call wood vermin teredo because they eat by grinding [terendo edere]. We call them wood-worms [termes, tarmes]. So wood vermin are called by Latin speakers; trees that are felled at the wrong time generate these vermin. [Book 19, 19.14] The gimlet [terebra] is named from the wood-worm called terebra.... Hence it is called terebra because, like the worm, it 'bores a hole by abrasion' [terendo forare], as if the word were terefora, or as if it were transforans [“boring through”]. - [Barney, Lewis, et. al. translation]
Thomas of Cantimpré [circa 1200-1272 CE] (Liber de natura rerum, Worms 9.50): The Greeks call the teredine "wood worm" [lignorum vermes], as Isidore says, and they are so called from the fact that they eat by grinding [terendo] through wood. We call these termites [termites, literally "branch"]. For thus among the Latins woodworms [ligni vermes] are called; they are generated from trees that are cut down at the wrong time. As the Experimentator says, woodworms [teredines] have a red head and a white body. Successively it pierces wood and by reducing it to dust it builds a house for itself, and by devouring the wood it purifies itself and expels the dust. A few trees of the eastern regions produce worms; but in the regions of Italy, Germany, or Gaul and Spain, almost all the trees, except the oak and linden, and a few other trees, produce worms. And what is quite surprising, is that the boxwood and the white thorn, which are almost the hardest of trees, give birth to gnawing worms; but the most tender linden trees, if their wood is kept dry, do not grow worms from them, but remain perpetually without worms. And in this nature is marked by secrecy. - [Badke translation/paraphrase]
Bartholomaeus Anglicus [13th century CE] (Liber de proprietatibus rerum, Book18.105): Many wormes are called Teredines in Gréeke, for they pearce and eate trées, as Isi[dore] saith li. 12. and are gendered of corrupt humours, that abide in trées under the rinde and in the sap and pith, and be gendred namely in trées that are felled or planted in undue time, as he saieth: and that namely in the full of the Moone, when the moysture is much in bodies by vertue of the Moone, & is not defied for superfluitie thereof, nor ruled by kinde, and therefore such superfluitie must néeds turne into wormes and corruption. Looke before De effectu Lunae libr. 6. The worme Teredo is a little worme of a trée, and is most softe in substaunce, and fretleth, gnaweth, and wasteth most hard Trées, and maketh thereof smaller powder than anye fyle might make. Looke héereafter De vermiculo. - [Batman]