
Sources : Satyr

Gaius Julius Solinus [3rd century CE] (De mirabilibus mundi / Polyhistor, Chapter 27.60): And there are those they call satyrs, which are exceedingly pleasing in appearance, and restless with gesticulations and movements. - [Arwen Apps translation, 2011]

Bartholomaeus Anglicus [13th century CE] (Liber de proprietatibus rerum, Book18.47): Certeine beastes bée called Fauni and Satiri also, and be mervaylous beasts wonderouslye shapen, having the lykenesse and also shape of mankinde, but they bée not full perfect of reason of mankinde, nor indued perfectly with natural wit. And so they be not taught to speake by craft nor by kinde, but they have beastiall wit, & be stubburne and cruell with beastiall appetite, & such beasts be full lecherous, insomuch that they slay women in the déede of lecherie, if they take them walking in woods, and be called Satiri, for they may not have inough of lechery, as Isid[ore] saith, and though such beasts use not reason of mankinde, yet they bée like to mankinde in voice and in manye déeds, as Isi[dore] saith, li. 11. de Protentis. And there he sayth, that Satiri be somewhat like men, & have crooked noses, & hornes in the forehead, and like to Goats in their feete. Saint Anthony saw such a one in the wildernesse, as it is said, & he asked what he was, and he answered Anthonie, & said, I am deadly, and one of them that dwelleth in wildernesse: and misbeléeved nations deceived by divers errors worship such beasts that bée called Fauni, Satiri, and Incubi. Satyri be called Fauni and Fatui also, & some thinke, that they be wilde men, as Isidore sayeth in eodem cap. and these wonderfull beasts be diverse, for some of them be called Cenophali, for they have heads as hounds, and séeme by the working beasts rather then men, [Here Bartholomaeus describes several of the monstrous human races, said to live in the East, and which are not related to the satyr in the texts.] and some be called Ciclopes, and have that name, for one of them hath but one eie, and that in the middle of the forehead, and some be all headlesse and noselesse, & their eien be in the shoulders, and some have plaine faces without nosethrilles, and the neather lippes of them stretch so, that they heele therewith their faces when they be in the heate of the Sun, & some of them have closed mouths in their breasts onely one hole, & breath and sucke as it were with pipes and veines, & these be accounted tonguelesse, and use signes and becks in steed of speaking. Also in Scithia bée some with so great and large eares, that they spreade theyr eares and cover all their bodyes with them. And these be called Panchios, Pan is Gréeke, and is to understande all. And an eare is called Ochi in gréeke, and some be in Aethiopia, and goe stouping looking to the ground-warde as beasts, and may not reare themselves upright, and these be called Arabice, & other be in Aethiopia, and each of them have onely one foote so great and large, yt they shadow themselves with the foote when they lye gaping on ye grounde in strong heat of the Sun, and yet they be so swift yt they be likned to hounds in swiftnesse of running, & therfore among the Gréeks they be called Synodopes. Also some have the soles of theyr féet turned backward behinde the legges, and in each foot 8. toes, and such goe about and stare in the desarts of Libia. Also; in Scithia bée beasts with shape of men and féet of horses, and such wonderfull beasts be called Lamine among many men, as Paschasius sayth super Trenos. Isidore reckoneth many other such beasts wonderfully shapen, lib. 11. and hée gathereth and taketh all of Plinius libro. 6. &. 7. and also of Solinus. - [Batman]