Sami Aydin
The Syriac Tradition of the Physiologus
Evelyn Mae Boyd
The Lure of Creatures True and Legendary
Anne Clark
Beasts and Bawdy
Arthur H. Collins
Some Twelfth-Century Animal Carvings and their Sources in the Bestiaries
Arthur H. Collins
Symbolism of Animals and Birds Represented in English Church Architecture
Albert S. Cook
Old English Elene, Phoenix and Physiologus
Albert S. Cook
Translations from the Old English
Albert S. Cook; James Hall Pitman
The Old English Physiologus
Kevin Crossley-Holland; Bruce Mitchell
The Battle of Maldon, and other Old English poems
Michael J. Curley
Maria Amalia D'Aronco
Considerazioni sul Physiologus antico inglese: Pantera vv. 8b-l3a; Balena vv. 1-7
Victor Henry Debidour
Le Bestiaire Sculpté du Moyen Age en France
Rodney Dennys
The Heraldic Imagination
Clarck Drieshen
Animals on coats of arms
Nigel Harris; Alan Robertshaw & Gerhard Wolf, ed.
' gar süezen smac daz pantir hât'. Der Panther und sein Atem in der deutschsprachigen Literatur des Mittelalters
Debra Hassig
Homo animal est, homo animal non est: Text and Image in Medieval English Bestiaries
Michelle C. Hoek
Anglo-Saxon Innovation and the Use of the Senses in the Old English Physiologus Poems
Tony Jebson, ed.
The Exeter Book (Exeter, Cathedral Chapter Library, MS 3501)
Douglas R. Letson
The Old English Physiologus and the Homiletic Tradition
Brian McFadden
Sweet Odors and Interpretative Authority in the Exeter Book Physiologus and Phoenix
Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Unicorn Tapestries
Ann Payne
Medieval Beasts
Louis Rodrigues
Anglo-Saxon Religious Verse Allegories
Bruce Ross
The Old English Physiologus
J. L. Schrader, ed.
A Medieval Bestiary
Ann Squires, ed.
The Old English Physiologus
Werner Telesko
The Wisdom of Nature: The Healing Powers and Symbolism of Plants and Animals in the Middle Ages
Benjamin Thorpe
Codex Exoniesis: A Collection of Anglo-Saxon Poetry, From a Manuscript in the Library of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter
Edward Topsell; Malcolm South, ed.
Topsell's Histories of Beasts
Klaus Weimann
Middle English Animal Literature