British Library
Medieval Bestiary: The Whale
Thierry Buquet
De l' écume au sperme: Hypothèses médiévales sur l’ambre de baleine
Inju Chung
The Physiologus and 'The Whale'
Anne Clark
Beasts and Bawdy
Calum Cockburn
Whale of a time
Arthur H. Collins
Symbolism of Animals and Birds Represented in English Church Architecture
Albert S. Cook
The Old English 'Whale'
Albert S. Cook
Old English Elene, Phoenix and Physiologus
Albert S. Cook
Translations from the Old English
Albert S. Cook; James Hall Pitman
The Old English Physiologus
Kevin Crossley-Holland; Bruce Mitchell
The Battle of Maldon, and other Old English poems
Michael J. Curley
Georges Cuvier; Theodore Wells Pietsch, ed.; Abby J. Simpson, trans.
Cuvier’s History of the Natural Sciences
Maria Amalia D'Aronco
Considerazioni sul Physiologus antico inglese: Pantera vv. 8b-l3a; Balena vv. 1-7
Victor Henry Debidour
Le Bestiaire Sculpté du Moyen Age en France
Carolin Esser-Miles
" King of the Children of Pride:" Symbolism, Physicality, and the Old English Whale
William O. Hassall; A. G. Hassall
Treasures from the Bodleian Library
Michelle C. Hoek
Anglo-Saxon Innovation and the Use of the Senses in the Old English Physiologus Poems
Fausto Iannello
Il motivo dell’aspidochelone nella tradizione letteraria del Physiologus. Considerazioni esegetiche e storico-religiose
Tony Jebson, ed.
The Exeter Book (Exeter, Cathedral Chapter Library, MS 3501)
Thomas Kren; Elizabeth C. Teviotdale, Adam S. Cohen, Kurtis Barstow
Masterpieces of the J. Paul Getty Museum: Illuminated Manuscripts
Douglas R. Letson
The Old English Physiologus and the Homiletic Tradition
Willy Ley
Dawn of Zoology
Marie-Agnès Lucas-Avenel
Les ' monstres marins’ sont-ils des ‘poissons’ ? Le livre VI du Liber de natura rerum de Thomas de Cantimpré
Florence McCulloch
Pierre de Beauvais' Lacovie
Brian McFadden
Sweet Odors and Interpretative Authority in the Exeter Book Physiologus and Phoenix
Xenia Muratova
Animal Symbolism and Its Interpretations in the Pictorial Programmes of the Illuminated Bestiaries
Ann Payne
Medieval Beasts
James Hall Pitman
Milton and the Physiologus
Louis Rodrigues
Anglo-Saxon Religious Verse Allegories
Bruce Ross
The Old English Physiologus
J. L. Schrader, ed.
A Medieval Bestiary
Martha Hale Shackford
Legends and Satires from Medieval Literature
Ann Squires, ed.
The Old English Physiologus
Benjamin Thorpe
Codex Exoniesis: A Collection of Anglo-Saxon Poetry, From a Manuscript in the Library of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter
Klaus Weimann
Middle English Animal Literature
Leo Wiener
Contribution Towards a History of Arabico-Gothic Culture, Volume IV: Physiologus Studies