
Bibliography : Partridge

W. Geoffrey Arnott Birds in the Ancient World from A to Z
Janetta Rebold Benton Medieval Menagerie: Animals in the Art of the Middle Ages
Anne Clark Beasts and Bawdy
Albert S. Cook Old English Elene, Phoenix and Physiologus
Albert S. Cook Translations from the Old English
Albert S. Cook; James Hall Pitman The Old English Physiologus
Michael J. Curley Physiologus
Michael D. C. Drout "The Partridge” is a phoenix: revising the Exeter Book Physiologus
Michelle C. Hoek Anglo-Saxon Innovation and the Use of the Senses in the Old English Physiologus Poems
Tony Jebson, ed. The Exeter Book (Exeter, Cathedral Chapter Library, MS 3501)
Douglas R. Letson The Old English Physiologus and the Homiletic Tradition
James W. Marchand The Partridge? An Old English Multiquote
Ann Payne Medieval Beasts
Louis Rodrigues Anglo-Saxon Religious Verse Allegories
Bruce Ross The Old English Physiologus
J. L. Schrader, ed. A Medieval Bestiary
Ann Squires, ed. The Old English Physiologus
Benjamin Thorpe Codex Exoniesis: A Collection of Anglo-Saxon Poetry, From a Manuscript in the Library of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter