
Bibliography : Pelican

M. D. Anderson Misericords: Medieval Life in English Woodcarving
W. Geoffrey Arnott Birds in the Ancient World from A to Z
John Ashton Curious Creatures in Zoology
Sami Aydin The Syriac Tradition of the Physiologus
Janetta Rebold Benton Medieval Menagerie: Animals in the Art of the Middle Ages
Hans Brandhorst De Ouderliefde van de pelikaan
Anne Clark Beasts and Bawdy
Michael J. Curley Physiologus
Victor Henry Debidour Le Bestiaire Sculpté du Moyen Age en France
Clarck Drieshen Animals on coats of arms
R. W. Drury; S. S. Drury In Pursuit of Pelicans: unposted letters to friends
Victor Graham The Pelican as Image and Symbol
Colum Hourihane The Virtuous Pelican in Medieval Irish Art
Willy Ley Dawn of Zoology
R. L. H. Lops Le pélican dans le bestiaire de Philippe de Thaun
Ignacio Malaxecheverría Notes sur le pélican au Moyen Age
Guy R. Mermier The Romanian Bestiary: An English Translation and Commentary on the Ancient "Physiologus" Tradition
Horst Oppel ' Those Pelican Daughters' (King Lear III, 4): Wanderungen und Wandlungen eines Sinnbildes
Ann Payne Medieval Beasts
Philippe de Thaon; Richard Wilbur, trans. The pelican: from a bestiary of 1120
J. L. Schrader, ed. A Medieval Bestiary
A. M. Smyth A Book of Fabulous Beasts
Werner Telesko The Wisdom of Nature: The Healing Powers and Symbolism of Plants and Animals in the Middle Ages
Kenneth Varty Reynard the Fox. A Study of the Fox in Medieval English Art
Leo Wiener Contribution Towards a History of Arabico-Gothic Culture, Volume IV: Physiologus Studies