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Bibliography : Eagle
W. Geoffrey Arnott
Birds in the Ancient World from A to Z
A. A. Barb
Birds and Magic: 1. The Eagle-Stone; 2. The Vulture Epistle
Janetta Rebold Benton
Medieval Menagerie: Animals in the Art of the Middle Ages
John Cherry, ed.
Mythical Beasts
Anne Clark
Beasts and Bawdy
Arthur H. Collins
Some Twelfth-Century Animal Carvings and their Sources in the Bestiaries
Arthur H. Collins
Symbolism of Animals and Birds Represented in English Church Architecture
Michael J. Curley
Victor Henry Debidour
Le Bestiaire Sculpté du Moyen Age en France
Rodney Dennys
The Heraldic Imagination
Gerald of Wales; Thomas Forester, trans.; Thomas Wright, ed.
The Topography of Ireland
Bianca Kühnel
An Eagle Physiologus Legend on a Crusader Capital from the Coenaculum
Guy R. Mermier
The Romanian Bestiary: An English Translation and Commentary on the Ancient "Physiologus" Tradition
John Mason Neale
Mediæval preachers and mediæval preaching: A series of extracts, translated from the sermons of the middle ages, chronologically arranged; with notes and an introduction
Ann Payne
Medieval Beasts
Dietmar Peil; Nona C. Flores, ed.
On the question of a Physiologus tradition in emblematic art and writing
Beryl Rowland
Blind Beasts: Chaucer's Animal World
J. L. Schrader, ed.
A Medieval Bestiary
Hana Šedinová
Heartless king and kind-hearted plebean. Some peculiarities of the parental care in birds, as documented by classical and medieval authors
Martha Hale Shackford
Legends and Satires from Medieval Literature
An Smets
Entre la littérature et la politique: autour de deux débats d'animaux de Jean Molinet
Werner Telesko
The Wisdom of Nature: The Healing Powers and Symbolism of Plants and Animals in the Middle Ages
Kenneth Varty
Reynard the Fox. A Study of the Fox in Medieval English Art
Klaus Weimann
Middle English Animal Literature
Rudolph Wittkower
Eagle and Serpent. A Study in the Migration of Symbols