
Bibliography : Manticore

Gloria Allaire Animal descriptions in Andrea da Barberino's Guerrino meschino
John Ashton Curious Creatures in Zoology
Janetta Rebold Benton Medieval Menagerie: Animals in the Art of the Middle Ages
John Cherry, ed. Mythical Beasts
Anne Clark Beasts and Bawdy
Arthur H. Collins Some Twelfth-Century Animal Carvings and their Sources in the Bestiaries
Arthur H. Collins Symbolism of Animals and Birds Represented in English Church Architecture
Georges Cuvier; Theodore Wells Pietsch, ed.; Abby J. Simpson, trans. Cuvier’s History of the Natural Sciences
Victor Henry Debidour Le Bestiaire Sculpté du Moyen Age en France
Rodney Dennys The Heraldic Imagination
Willy Ley Dawn of Zoology
Hermann Menhardt Die Die Mandragora im Millstätter Physiologus, bei Honorius Augustodunensis und im St. Trudperter Hohenliede
Ann Payne Medieval Beasts
J. L. Schrader, ed. A Medieval Bestiary
Werner Telesko The Wisdom of Nature: The Healing Powers and Symbolism of Plants and Animals in the Middle Ages
Edward Topsell; Malcolm South, ed. Topsell's Histories of Beasts