

Latin name: Yppotamus
Other names: Equus fluminis, Equus fluvius, Flusspferd, Ipodromus, Ipostamus, Ipotamus, Ipothamus, Ippotamus, Nilpferd, River Horse, Ypocamus, Ypotamus, Ypothamus, Ypothanuis
Category: Beast

A large beast called the river horse

General Attributes

The name hippopotamus, meaning river horse, is derived from hippo, horse and potamus, river. It was said to live during the day in the Nile River, and to come out on land at night to graze.

There are similarities between the hippopotamus and another monster of the Nile River, the equinilus. Their names have a similar meaning, they both live in the Nile, and both are said to have thick and impenetrable skin.


The hippopotamus illustrations often are somewhat horse-like, but vary considerably.

Uses Magical, Medical, Alchemical and Culinary

The skin of the hippopotamus is so thick and strong that shields are made from it, and it is used for the points of spears.